Saturday, January 30, 2010

My first post.

The final days of January, and the daffodils are blooming in my front yard, the sun is shining through large white cotton ball puffs of clouds, my son is sleeping, and I am entering my first entry into Creative Curiosities. This is my start to a new creative energy in my life, one that has been simmering away for years, slowly gaining momentum, and would like to be a constant gentle boil. This is the beginning of my networking and communication to promote my own work, babble, and dreams in the makings, as well as local artisans and friends. 

Some day my friends, you'll see me in my store downtown Petaluma, Creative Curiosities, selling my treasured goods, baked and crafted, as well as those of the many talented artists in my life. 

At this point in my life, I am trying to balance being the best mama ever to my son, Oliver, almost a year old, and working on my art as well as my work as a high school art teacher. This is the busiest, most emotionally charged, yet happiest time of my life. As moms understand, we do an outrageous amount of work in a day, and don't stop till we drop at night, climb into our soft beds under the covers, onto the cool sheets, rest our weary heads, only to find we have monkey brain and can't sleep. And as soon as we are drifting off into peaceful slumberland, our baby wakes up in the other room crying for mama's boob! Ah, but it is all worth it, isn't it. My eyes might have bags under them, and I now have my first sighting of gray hairs, but my heart is full.

First on the agenda: Buy a nice digital 35mm camera to document and share the happenings and going ons for Creative Curiosities.