Saturday, March 27, 2010

Melt in Your Mouth Deliciousness

This pastry has to be my favorite treat as of late. I make sweet bread dough in the bread machine, let it rise up to get that beautiful smooth round dome on top, and then punch it down and grab the soft gooey goodness out of the pan.  Sprinkle a bit of flour on the sticky mess, and gently knead and stretch the dough out until a misshapen rectangle forms. The dough is so lovely to work with. Next I smear on gobs of softened cream cheese and tangy apricot preserves up and down the center. After a few twists of dough, into the oven it goes, and I wait patiently, smelling the aroma of fresh pastry swirling through the whole house. The wait is well worth it. Oh yum. I'll take orders by the way. You won't be disappointed.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Recently I have rediscovered my love for bbq oysters with a trip to Marshall. My 13 month old son had his first taste of clam chowder, and from the looks of things, has discovered his love of seafood. I live in a beautiful town, surrounded by some spectacular views. I swear driving out to the coast, this place could be Ireland.

This month has been a whirlwind of activity, and unfortunately, creating my own crafty goods was not on the list. I did however create cupcakes for birthdays, sweet treats and cards for friends, breads for family, and helped put on a gallery show for my high school students. Now that my school work is back to a normal rate of chaos, I will be delving into my studio again, working out all the ideas that have been swimming around in my head for the last couple weeks. They will be happy to be released! My soul will be all the better for it too.